The Best Green Companies to Buy From
No matter where you look, there are news articles and products that are encouraging you to use your dollar to make an impact on the earth. “Going Green” might sound like a huge undertaking or a huge investment, but there are a ton of great companies out there that make it easy! I have put together a list of some of the best green companies to buy from that are making a positive impact on the environment!
How to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day As A Family
When you have kids, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day stops becoming about drinking green beer and starts to look a little bit different. In Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day focuses more on family, friends, history, and the abundance of food than it does on alcohol. St. Patrick’s Day is known as the Feast of St. Patrick, and is supposed to be a feast day instead. If you are looking for ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day as a family this year, here are a few ideas! Feast for St. Patrick’s Day As I mentioned earlier, St. Patrick’s day is known as a feast day. In Ireland, they spend the day focusing on…
25 St. Patrick’s Day Recipes
St. Patrick’s Day is coming up, and now is the perfect time to start thinking about what kind of recipes you want to make! St. Patrick’s Day, also known as the Feast of Saint Patrick, is held to honor the death of Saint Patrick. Considering that it’s the Feast of Saint Patrick, what better way to celebrate than with delicious food? Whether you are hosting a party or just making a few fun recipes for your kids, these recipes are perfect! All of the recipes on this list would work great for any adult-only party or family gathering. If you are looking for craft ideas for your kids, check out…