How We Are Using Essential Oils in My Home
We have a blended family in our home. Living with a son with ADHD and arthritis, a teenager with acne, a little girl with scars on her face and legs, myself who has hypothyroidism, and my husband who needs muscle and joint support, we are always looking for ways to take better care of ourselves.
I have been using essential oils in my home for years and I firmly believe in their use for both my family and myself, but it took me years to get into a good routine of regular oil usage. Finding a plan that was both easy to implement and easy to remember was a real challenge, but I was determined to find something that would work.

Our Daily Routine
We use essential oils in our home daily, as part of our routine. To make it easier, I have broken down our routine into morning, afternoon, and night for each member of our family. We use Young Living Oils unless otherwise noted.
In the mornings we diffuse essential oils in the kitchen while we are doing our morning routine and while the children are working on their homeschool work at the kitchen table. We diffuse lemongrass, tarragon, common sense, forgiveness, genyus, and abundance. In the master bathroom shower, we will diffuse either grapefruit or Breathe (blend) using DoTerra.
Here is a list of other oils that we use either topically or internally during the mornings:
- Madisen: tea tree oil, geraniu and diffuse Passion and Joy (blends)
- Theodore: goldenrod
- Olivia: vitamin E, helichrysum, frankincense, and geranium
- Lea: tea tree oil, geranium and diffuse: cypress, Abundance and Joy (blends)
- Madisen: Slique Essence, Thyromin, multigreens, FemGen, Super C
- Theodore: (in the bathtub) wintergreen
- Lea: Thyromin
Compared to our mornings and evenings, we don’t use that many oils. During the afternoons, we will diffuse lemongrass, Joy, Loyalty, and Genyus in our diffuser. For Olivia, we will also use vitamin E, helichrysum, frankincense, and geranium topically.
In the evening, we each have our own set of essential oils that work well for us. Here is our schedule for the evening:
- Madisen: Ravinastra, Family, Sara (blends), lavender
- Theodore: Family, Sara, Sleepize (blends)
- Olivia: Family, Sara, Sleepize (blends)
- Lea and Jason: Family, Sara (blends), lavender, cypress
- Madisen: vetiver, tea tree toil, geranium
- Theodore: goldenrod
- Olivia: vitamin E, helichrysum, frankincense, and geranium
- Lea: tea tree oil, geranium
- Jason: Deep Blue (blend) by DoTerra
Sometimes we will also use peppermint essential oils when the pollen counts are high!
Weekly Preparation
This might sound like a lot of work and really difficult to keep up with, but it’s actually very manageable. I purchased these glass jars to store my oils. It’s important to use glass jars because the oils can degrade plastic, and the glass will help protect to aromatic and therapeutic properties of your essential oils.
Dark glass such as amber or cobalt will help keep out any sunlight which can deteriorate them. When possible, you want to avoid storing your oils in clear glass bottles. When I can’t find dark glasses in the size I want, I look for a dark place to store them.
We typically will go through the contents of our bottles each week. The only exception is when I make roller balls which work well for longer storage. I use these amber rollers for my roller ball oils.
I looked at what each member of my family will need and calculate the size diffuser and glass jar that each person will need. We have diffusers in all of the bedrooms, the girls’ bathroom, our living rooms, kitchen, master bathroom and shower. I make sure the diffuser oils are by the proper diffuser.
Preparing my Essential Oils
On Sunday, while our kids are at church, my husband and I will prepare ourselves for the week. This is the time when I will review our lesson plans, plan meals, and also assemble our oils. I have a recipe handy for each person so I know what to mix in each glass jar. For example, since I would use 2-5 drops of lavender in my son’s diffuser at night to help him rest peacefully, I use 14-35 drops in his recipe. I use Ice Mountain distilled water in the diffuser recipes.
Next, I check to make sure that all of the roller balls that will be used for topical application are filled. If not, I refill these now. Each day, I will shake the jar to help disperse the oils and pour them into the diffuser.
Trauma Treatment
As a child I was sexually abused, and while I have successfully undergone therapy and Biblical counseling, I have also found a new technique to help with any lingering trauma that may be associated with that abuse. This mini course is available for all trauma survivors who still feel like they need additional help.
Here is a mini course that is available for trauma survivors
If you are interested in purchasing any of the essential oils that I use, check out this link here to buy your own!
Do you use essential oils in your home?
Information found on this site is meant for educational and informational purposes

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