10 Practical Things All Moms Should Do Every Day
Being a mom isn’t always a breeze. In fact, most of the time it’s pretty crazy. When things get busy, sometimes we need to get back to basics and reorient ourselves. There are a few small things that you can do to make your mom life a whole lot easier! Here are 10 practical things all moms should do every day.

Get up before your kids
I know that this means having to get up early! Trust me, this will be the best part of your day! Getting up before your kids will give you quiet time to do whatever it is you want to do! Sneak in a workout, have coffee while it’s still warm, or even study your bible during this time.
Plan for tomorrow’s meals
The only thing more frustrating than preparing dinner is realizing you didn’t take something out to thaw the night before. Each day, decide what you’re having the next day so you can prepare your meals accordingly!
Get dressed for the day
No matter if you are leaving the house or sitting on the couch all day, get dressed for the day. This will make you more motivated to get things done, and you’ll be ready for any last minute trips to the store or anything else that comes your way.
Do something for yourself
Make time in your day to do something for yourself. This could be doing some personal reading, or going for a run. Whatever you decide to do with your me time, make sure you make time for it!
Do a quick 10-15 minute tidy in the morning and before bed
Before bed and when you get up in the morning do a quick 10-15 minute tidy. This will give you a chance to put things back where they need to go, and clean up any messes you may have made throughout the day.
Spend time with your spouse
Carve out a little bit of time every day to spend time with your spouse. This could be something simple like watching a show together or going out for a date night.
Spend time with the Lord
It’s important to make time every day to spend time with God. This could be through a Bible study, prayer, or whatever you want to do.
Plan for the day ahead
Before you start your day, make a plan for the things you want to get done. This will help give your day purpose and a sense of direction.
Spend time with your kids
While this sounds simple, sometimes we don’t really spend quality time with our kids! Make sure you make time for your little ones and do something together.
Have unplugged family time
Turn off your phone and step away from the computer for at least an hour every day. Spend time with your family doing something together.
I hope these tips have not only helped you get your life back on track but helped you get closer to the life you want to live!
What things do you do every day?