25 Awesome Fourth of July Crafts for Kids
If you are searching for a creative way to teach your kids about Independence Day, then a fun Fourth of July craft is the way to go! These crafts are so easy to make that you can use them for kids of all ages!
How to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day As A Family
When you have kids, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day stops becoming about drinking green beer and starts to look a little bit different. In Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day focuses more on family, friends, history, and the abundance of food than it does on alcohol. St. Patrick’s Day is known as the Feast of St. Patrick, and is supposed to be a feast day instead. If you are looking for ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day as a family this year, here are a few ideas! Feast for St. Patrick’s Day As I mentioned earlier, St. Patrick’s day is known as a feast day. In Ireland, they spend the day focusing on…