How to Find the Motivation to Clean Your Home
Have you ever had those days when you’d rather do anything but clean your home? You may have put it off all day, or you just don’t want to. Whatever the reason is, or how messy your home, if you need to find some motivation to clean your home right now, here’s what to do!

Make a plan
Create a plan that incorporates daily, weekly, monthly and yearly cleaning goals. I love The Fly Lady. Her routine works so well for our family. Sign up for her emails which include reminders of tasks to complete each day.
Shorten your list
Ask for some help
If you are feeling overwhelmed by your cleaning list, it may be because there’s more than you can reasonably do in a day. Ask your spouse or kids to help out around the house to make cleaning a family activity, and to make it take a little less time. Check out this pin from Kim at Not Consumed. We use this plan to help our little ones do their share.
Set a timer for 15 minutes
If you have a timer going, give yourself only 15 minutes to get as much cleaning as you can
Break up your cleaning over the course of the day
Clean during your most productive part of the day
If you struggle with finding the motivation to clean, find a time of the day when you are typically most productive. This might be the morning or evening depending on what kind of person you are, and use this time to clean. You’re more likely to get it done, and during this time, it won’t seem so hard.
Delegate the things you can
Look at your budget and see where you can move things around to outsource tasks that don’t bring you joy! Seek contentment in the tasks that are left. Read how in my post about Living Life Fully.
You don’t have to be a go-getter to have a clean home. All you need are these tips, and a little motivation to get things done. Check out my Pinterest Board for more ideas including how to make your own organic cleaning supplies!