5 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Marriage

The new year is almost here, and by now you’ve probably started thinking about your resolutions. While you may be making resolutions to eat healthier this year, read more books, or even hit the gym this year, what about your marriage? No matter how happy your marriage is, here are 5 new year’s resolutions to make for your marriage

Spend more time together

Have you ever looked back on your week and just wondered where on earth the time went? It happens to all of us, and life gets busy. When you have kids activities to attend during the evenings and work to do during the day, it can be difficult to squeeze in a little one on one time with your spouse each day. Schedule in time with your spouse each and every day to make sure it doesn’t slip through the cracks. This could be breakfast together before the kids wake up, watching a show together after they go to sleep, or just sitting down for a cup of coffee together.

Show your spouse more appreciation

If you’ve ever taken a read through the famous book the 5 Love Languages, then you know that everyone doesn’t feel loved in the same way. If you want to show your spouse how much you appreciate them this year, consider taking the time to learn their love language. This will drastically change the way you communicate and show your spouse you love and appreciate them.

Plan a date night at least once a week

A date night doesn’t always mean you have to leave the house, but this should be the time you spend without the kids in tow. Take turns planning date nights for each other, or plan them together if you prefer, but make it your goal to go on at least one day each week.

Seek God together

It can be difficult to have patience with your spouse, especially when they are making you angry. Learning to seek God together can help you put things into perspective, learn to be more grateful for the blessing that is your spouse, and help you turn those trials into positive experiences.

Stop fighting

You will probably fight with your spouse at least a few times this year. When things get heated, we are rarely thinking about the fact that we promised not to fight. When possible, look for ways you can discourage fighting in your marriage. If you find yourselves coming back to the same argument, it could mean you still have issues that aren’t resolved yet. Instead of fighting, look for alternative ways to handle those emotions, and work through your issues together without yelling. You won’t be able to stop fighting completely, but you will greatly reduce the number of fights you have with your spouse.

There are always things we can do to improve our marriage and our relationship with our spouse. These five resolutions will not only help your marriage but help you work on it together in the new year.

What are your new year resolutions?

Lea Bodie

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